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Everything posted by freezinKT

  1. Either you can or you ask your coach talk to the website administrator for the lacrosse league. That person has a "Need Help" button on their account to start a chat with HQ's help desk. Worse comes to worse and the HQ help desk doesn't respond, the admin can follow these steps to register your daughter and then set you as her guardian: https://help.sportsengine.com/en/articles/6313633-how-an-admin-can-register-an-athlete-on-their-behalf https://help.sportsengine.com/en/articles/6322991-how-to-change-the-owner-of-a-registration-entry
  2. There *is* a competitor who has counts by division, but their registration system otherwise is not as nice. They have a more obvious connection between Seasons, Registration Programs, and Divisions which helps some things and makes other things harder.
  3. You actually don't need to save the data and use a pivot table. The filtering logic in HQ registration is superb, one of the few things they do well. Create saved reports filtering on each of your divisions and a status of Active, and you'll get current registrations. I had a ton of saved reports when I was using HQ for registration.
  4. Get ready for pain if you have a lot of teams, because this is the only way to do it at the moment: SportsEngine HQ said to much fanfare back in I think October that they had "templates" for team pages, which means you can copy an existing template and painfully put all your individual team microsites and other information into it manually.
  5. You must not have as complicated a conflict checking structure as we do. If we tried to run multiple seasons without cross-season conflict checking we'd end up with a weeknight rec game and a travel practice on the same lighted field on a random Tuesday or something. We have too many teams and not enough assigned fields.
  6. Oh man, agree a thousand times. The webmaster job basically makes one registrar, vice president, and commissioner/director all in one because of Season Management. Some of that is just the pain of switching platforms, but so much of it is the feature-deficiency, error-prone-ness, and lack of meaningful documentation. All but my most technical board members would try to do something and give up because it was so painful. Rather than sitting around watching our league go to pieces because of the platform, I wasted hours upon hours fixing everything and eking out functionality. And this. So much this. And it's been very clear from all the "what other products would you like us to integrate with?" quizzes on this very Feedback forum that there is no intent to actually build more functionality that would lead to a better experience into the base platform.
  7. You can do this. We had to do it for League Athletics, SportsEngine HQ, AND a different unnamed competitor. You just ask the help desk people in all cases and it can be turned off. They don't like advertising that fact, but it is a fact. Ask and you shall receive.
  8. This is fabulous. We are a similarly sized club with 3 levels of play and very similar needs. This list is incredibly useful and comprehensive. The two big ones that stand out as incredibly true to our experience and incredibly disheartening are: (Though my assumption is that code from SIPlay and League Athletics won't help because what they are doing now is in entirely new languages against entirely new data stores with entirely new programming paradigms, so they have to resolve all the same problems - but they still don't care if all of us have to sit around experiencing pain while we wait). And +100 to this one.
  9. I've used this functionality. If you've ever re-rostered a player (like...they had a practice night conflict and got moved), it breaks. If you roster a player to two teams, which we regularly do because we run multiple levels of play and there is no cross-season conflict checking so we have to roster players to multiple teams in one season, it breaks. If you use the CSV import to create your teams, it breaks. It's a nice thought, but it doesn't work.
  10. NBCU is driving the ad focus, according to someone who said (I have no way to evaluate this claim) that he worked for HQ both before and after the acquisition. Apparently it did used to be ad free. That said, not all app users are HQ premium subscribers. Our users subsidize the free users (and Season Management customers get none of the “premium” features promised).
  11. I'm sure it's against the forum rules to sell other products, but my suggestion is to look around at local leagues in your area across different sports, see what they are using, and if possible ask their webmasters. Also when you reach out to sales people, don't even CONSIDER their app unless they will let you access a trial site. Most good platforms will let you try before you buy.
  12. For us the dealbreakers were: No recurring events for practices. Can you imagine hand scheduling 500 individual practices 1 by 1? Awful. No conflict checking between practices and practices or practices and games - the only conflict checking was between games and games. LA had the perfect scheduler - the SportsConnect and Team Sideline sales guys both admitted it. Why HQ didn't implement that in a modern web look and feel when creating season management I do not know. EVERYONE else offers conflict checking. The bugginess in the app. I got more complaints as an admin from families and coaches about that app - where I never got complaints about SportsSignUp Play. The fact that there was a new bug every time there was a Season Management release and new features seemed to roll out at a glacial pace. For example they promised recurring events in April. They still didn't have them last time I checked in December. They promised a copy season feature would be here by December. I don't believe it's still here. The fact that Season Management didn't even have all the features of Sports Management. Coaches who had used HQ for other leagues hated Season Management. Within a few weeks of our season starting everyone used other apps, text messaging, and emailing lists to communicate. Lack of game and practice reminders. These were advertised, but never happened and my bug reports were ignored. Lack of a bracket for end-of-season tournament. Only the hand-wavy promise of future integration with Tourney Machine. Every other platform offers it built-in. The fact that Season Management messed up our standings randomly. Having to check a hundred games regularly to make sure the score hadn't zeroed out was a nightmare. Also coaches could only score games from the app, and everyone hated the app. No way to match registration data to season team. In LeagueAthletics you could flexibly match any registration to any season and correctly get the team assignment with the registration data. Do you know how hard it is to handle uniform purchases for hundreds of players without this feature? The fact that the help desk, which was truly great in summer, tanked in quality around September to the point that basic questions aren't answered. The way that NBCU seems to care only about advertising other NBCU products, and not providing a good expeirence in SportsEngine HQ.
  13. If the organization admin sets the team to inactive then it won’t show up for you any more. Reach out to the organization to get that fixed. We do that for our families a few weeks after the conclusion of a season.
  14. Actually, if teams on each club play each other (so the 2012 Tigers play the 2012 Penguins), that won't be the easiest way to do things. To keep standings and such you need teams that play each other all in one division in one season. But if you aren't worried about schedule and standings you can do it that way.
  15. Sounds like you need to make a "Season" for each club, then.
  16. A club as in a program/season? As in a team? First in Season Management add a season (example: Spring 2024 soccer or whatever). Then you add divisions (U6, peewee, whatever you call them). Then you add teams within that. When you set those teams to public/private then families and coaches can see them. Unfortunately this won't do jack squat on your public page. You'll have to individually add pages for each team by hand, manually. I never used Sports Management, but I believe they used to do that for you and certainly many competitiors to HQ (now-defunct League Athletics, Sports Connect, Team Snap,TeamSideline, etc) do that. Hopefully they add the automated team page creation at some point.
  17. Oh, of all the buggy things, the app/Season Management integration is the BUGGIEST. It's on the website for admins only.
  18. We didn't use roster photos, but have you tried hitting the "Feedback" button that displays within your season and submitting the bug report that way? I was repeatedly told that button is the best way to communicate directly with the Season Management development team. In general we found the data store for season management to be incredibly buggy and likely to lose data. There was typically no workaround - just reporting the bug repeatedly until there was a fix.
  19. I want to add some JavaScript, inside a script block, into my landing page. I can find a way to add a code element, but of course that shows up after my body has begun loading. Is there a way to access the code of the header and modify it to put the script block in? Or is that not allowed by design?
  20. We aren't quite that generous to our players and families. I give them a single question: "Select all practice nights your player is NOT available to practice" and they can pick up to 4 of the week days. The idea is that any one they don't pick is fair game for them to practice on. When you're trying to create balanced teams plus include nights that everyone can practice on plus take into consideration special positions (we're a softball league) trying to get everyone their number one practice night is near impossible. We go for "if you can be there, you might be on that team." Plus that way it's only one question for the spreadsheet export.
  21. You may want to ask @Simon MacKenzie or another admin to move this topic to Season Management, where it will probably get some more traction. Are you on Sports Management or Season Management?
  22. You may want to ask whomever in your league has the account manager's contact to reach out directly. Account managers can work with the development team to ensure a timely fix. They are ideal to help you figure out what about that one team is improperly configured to cause these issues.
  23. The Past Seasons tab appeared sometime after I reached out to the help desk and posted this comment. It was just "Seasons" and "Locations." Possible I had something cached and it was always there in the code (the joys of modern web development), or possible they released a patch after I brought it up. I am glad they added the ability to manually archive a season. Even with the hiccup these are features teams will need.
  24. I went to Competition -> Season Management to look at something. I expected to see two prior (currently inactive) seasons: 2023 Summer and 2023 Fall, the seasons we have since starting HQ. Only...they aren't there. It says I have no seasons. I see that the UX has changed somewhat - there are filters for upcoming and active and there is a search bar. But even with no search and no filters selected, I see nothing. Anyone else lose old seasons? Or hear from the Help Desk what happened? We use this data regularly when planning our next season. My prior season microsites still have data, so I'm hopeful this is just a display fluke? Also when I went to report this I couldn't access the "Feedback" button, because I couldn't get into the season itself, which means no more direct line to the developers.
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