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Everything posted by freezinKT

  1. Have you tried flipping them all inactive and then to public to force the data to propegate again?
  2. @Alan try tagging @Shawn Heller.
  3. Changing team names after the schedule is created is a mess. In our rec league we let the kids pick the names, which means the teams start out as "<Age> 'Team Name' <Color>' and we change the word 'Team Name' once names roll in. You did the right thing and it should work. Unfortunately for you the data integrity of SE's Season Management tool is horrible and so you see these issues everywhere. Team names, opponents, scores, standings, and all those things will revert or change on you. They badly need to re-write the entire data store section of that part of the system.
  4. Is it possible that one is on Sports Management (old way of doing seasons in SE) and the others are on Season Management (new, and very buggy, way of doing things)?
  5. However SportsEngine HQ manages data integrity (because they don't use a relational database, I think it's a graph database, so consistency is not guaranteed), their programmers do it wrong over and over and over again. Freak bugs dominate the Season Management code base and since Season Management's release they haven't seemed to get better. SE will "fix" a bug, only to have it not be fixed or during that fix they will create 2 other new bugs. One work around would be to have coaches keep their schedule in a different app (Team Snap or GameChanger) for families instead.
  6. Several months ago when support was decent one of the people (who they have since promoted) would happily merge accounts for me. There is a solution. I'm sorry that you haven't found it. We have since moved on to a different product and I will tell you that support is not necessarily better there. Many, many more features and much fewer bugs, but when I do need help it takes days/weeks. So unfortunately this isn't really a unique problem. The best bet is to find a mature, stable product with the features that meet your needs that has been around enough to not be very buggy. Then you just don't need support.
  7. Oh, this is how to do a bulk schedule import for each division so you can basically move your scheduling from SE to GameChanger. No conflict checking, but it's worthless on SE anyway so you have to do it manually. https://gc.com/post/organizations-bulk-schedule-importer
  8. In your case I'd suggest coaches manually put the schedule in GameChanger so parents can sync calendars to it and basically give up on using Season Management at all. In fact you could potentially even use GameChanger organizations (https://gc.com/post/organizations-open-beta), export your Season Management schedule, and use that for scores and standings. Even if coaches don't want to use GC to do the actual scoring they could keep a paper score book and just enter the score in GC afterwards. Perks of this also include getting away from the bugginess of the chat in the SE app. Cons include changing apps mid-season. The issues you are seeing are why we moved away from SE. Our new platform is not perfect - I am currently yelling at them about issues with their sync to GameChanger in fact - but games stay scheduled when and where we schedule them, scores and standings don't disappear once updated, and the calendar sync works.
  9. I filed a similar bug for the sort way back in fall, so good luck.
  10. Did your organization perhaps move from Sports Management to Season Management? Season Management lost most of the app features of Sports Management all without adding in a full-featured scheduler the way League Athletics had - worst of both worlds you might say.
  11. What's the URL of the iCal feed you are using? There are a few different options and only 1 consistently works.
  12. The answer is incredibly manual but possible. If you don’t have too many teams it’s not too bad. You can do about 30 per hour once you get used to it. Instructions here: HQ’s competition provides team pages and a public facing master calendar with no admin effort - just happens when teams and schedules are set to live/public/posted. HQ should work on that if they want to keep business.
  13. It's not easy, but it's doable. Follow the instructions here:
  14. There are various ways this happened to me in the past. 1) If a player was on multiple teams (we had to run multiple types of seasons in the same "season" to try and conflict check because there is no cross-season conflict checking). 2) If a player was rostered via import from spreadsheet 3) If a player was ever moved from one team to another. I have not tried it, but following the steps posted by another user might help?
  15. I also saw this when scoring games via the website under the website using Season Management. It's something with the back-end, not the app itself.
  16. Are your teams set to public or private?
  17. If by roster photos you mean the player profile photos there is a way, as long as you are willing to expose first and last names for each roster. I run a youth league, so we aren't. In your Season within Season Management, click "Settings." On the right side where it says "Season Site" there is a white button that says "Edit." Flip the Private Settings from Fan/Private to Public, and it will show the pictures...in theory. Others have had some issues with that.
  18. Have you recently moved from Sports Management to Season Management? Season Management broke many external API integrations (as did the new API, I think), including IIRC iScore.
  19. Are you talking about creating a private registration form and having parents fill in that information? If so, you could do that. However there's no way to link custom registration data to a public page.
  20. Ideally they evolve into not microsites, but first class pages like all the competitors have.
  21. HQ, the video you just popped up on my administrative page, along with links like this telling me how I can save just a tiny fraction of the headache above by using a built-in template that I have to copy 40 times (if 40 teams) to spin up a new season is...not the solution. You guys do realize that, right? Advertising that I can do a lot of manual work to do what League Athletics gave me for free feels like a slap in the face, not a good thing.
  22. They used to offer weekends occasionally. They have been short staffed for months now.
  23. At just tells you the opponent is home. Vs. is when you are home. Sorry about the buggy location though. Have you reported it via the Feedback button?
  24. FYI this probably should be under the HQ Mobile topic, not the Motion one - at least it looks like HQ not Motion. Have you tried reaching out to the help desk in the menu of your app (click the gear) to file a bug report? That may be the best way to reach the developers. Chat - and the app in general - are very buggy.
  25. By team pages do you mean the team microsites? Or the internal actual teams in season management? Or do you mean public facing pages that you created or something under Sports Management? You can't migrate Sports Management teams to Season Management. I've seen some really awkward looking league sites around where people on Sports Management left up old seasons because they didn't know what to do with Season Management and basically ended up showing nothing to non-logged-in users.
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