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Updating Stats in Season Management


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Has anyone been able to add/update stats since going to season managment.  its been over 4 months and still can't do it.    Reached out to customer service and don't really get any definitive answer.  anyone have the issue and find a work around?  We have a stat program for our flag football and want to start one for our basketball leagues.  I've made sure stat tracking is Enabled, I get the message "error occured while loading stats"  and just a constant spinning wheel.

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We can add stats, manually per game, but I don't trust that everything is being recorded correctly.   The per game stats do not appear to calculate correctly.  The stats are not sorted any particular way in the microsite.  I have not done a deep dive to find if there are other errors.

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iScore export for baseball game stats no longer working as of September 4th. tried contacting support livechat and they act like this was never a feature, even though it's the most useful feature and I've been using it for 4-5 years now...

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9 minutes ago, StuartL said:

iScore export for baseball game stats no longer working as of September 4th. tried contacting support livechat and they act like this was never a feature, even though it's the most useful feature and I've been using it for 4-5 years now...

If the livechat isn't responding I recommend reaching out to your account manager as well as trying a different customer support person or emailing sports@sportsengine.com. Those are ways I've gotten an answer when whomever picked up my chat dropped it on the floor. You have to be pretty persistent.

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3 hours ago, bmurn said:

We can add stats, manually per game, but I don't trust that everything is being recorded correctly.   The per game stats do not appear to calculate correctly.  The stats are not sorted any particular way in the microsite.  I have not done a deep dive to find if there are other errors.

Is this done by going to season management and pressing the 3 buttons under action in the game schedule?  Or are you doing this another way?

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16 minutes ago, riseatl said:

Is this done by going to season management and pressing the 3 buttons under action in the game schedule?  Or are you doing this another way?

Yes, that is how I am doing it.  There is a "manage game stats" option under those three dots.

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On 9/11/2023 at 11:13 AM, freezinKT said:

If the livechat isn't responding I recommend reaching out to your account manager as well as trying a different customer support person or emailing sports@sportsengine.com. Those are ways I've gotten an answer when whomever picked up my chat dropped it on the floor. You have to be pretty persistent.

Yeah I did this. They're fingerpointing that any issue with iScore can only be on iScore's end of things. 

iScore's support or lack thereof is even worse, even though they have a great product. 

Edited by StuartL
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  • 2 months later...

Stats finally fixed, reached out to the feedback button and they were finally able to get the issue resolved.  Third times the charm I guess but seems to be working.  @Marie Fitzgerald  will stats be added back to the app?  Also is there a way to delete stats for a player that was added accidently?  I was doing some testing and wanted to know if this was possible as I make mistakes sometimes when entering them.

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