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  1. riseatl

    Camera SetUp

    We are wanting to get started with SE Play for our Spring 25 season. Can anyone recommend which camera would be preferable to use/ setup. I know using ones phone is an option but wanted to know if there were other suggestions.
  2. Here are a couple of things you can try if you haven't figured it out already. 1. When you attach the sales item set the amount of quantity to sell per item, (see pic) if you set the number to 6 per say it should allow you to buy up to six on the one registration. 2. Request help from sports engine when you login to your account and request to speak to someone with your issue. The response takes about 24 hours but they should get back in touch with you.
  3. Does anyone know of a way to Export stats in Season Management. Currently running a basketball league season and there is no rhyme or reason on how the stats are ranked. I would expect them to be in numerical order, as the person who has the most points would be number 1 etc.. The player with the most overall points is number 7, even with no rhyme or reason as to why. Also the stats kept FTM,FGM,3PM,PTS are not in order either. Total points is the second column when it should be the last. and 1, 2, 3 pointers are also not in order.
  4. This is how I set ours up, Yours may be a little more intricate. Everyone pretty much gets a card option and a cashapp option, either one will allow registration to complete without issue. The cashapp version will register as a "payment" and will complete registration normally. Yea I don't blame you Sports Engine really screwed the pooch, shows what happens when a company gets too big they tend to forget how they got there.
  5. Not sure if the information is still useful, but have you tried creating a storeitem as a zero fee? we have a CashApp option where folks can complete registration and it "wont ask for payment". Then they can zelle or cashapp the payment at a later date. Like I said it works for us and if you want I can send screen shots. Hope it helps
  6. I did a test recording and sent out the film to others and they were able to view, but my main issue still applies as to how you record the games and the upload process.
  7. Just got a free account and did some test runs. We are looking to implement it for our Spring Flag Football, and Basketball leagues. We are looking for suggestions and tips and tricks on a way to hit the ground running. Also what are you using to record games? It seems the only option is to use a tablet or iphone with service connected or wifi enabled.
  8. I actually prefer matthews method lol, a lot cleaner and easier to to implement
  9. You can set up a custom questions where the question is pick a day inside the registration asking what day would you prefer, then have them place the number next to the day. This is a crude way to do it but will get the results you want. Also make sure to update the report label field if using for reporting later.
  10. Thanks for the information, we plan to exclusively be on HS Turf fields or if we have to use grass either getting lined or buying the port-a-field system we have used it in the past. I've saved off the adidas bag and will stick to pro down pylons from now on. We have skillz? I think we just found the cheapest ones and went with it. We use BSN for our triple threat flags so they are definitely a trusted provider. Let me know if its okay to pass along the details to the supplier and I will. https://hastthou.en.alibaba.com/?spm=a2700.12243863.0.0.73093e5fhXjXTs, that is their website details so you can check them out. They also do our championship rings as well.
  11. Thanks for the great info I will use the map feature to set up the field for our youth leagues.Yes that is the HS we play at as our homebase, ideally we could use a local park field, but they give first right of refusal to other youth leagues. I was out there this past Sunday for the adult leagues and it will be a tight squeeze but 7 yard endzones should allow for space. Most HS have the field and track combined so it does present a challenge but for youth I don't think it will make too much of a difference. Absolutely no rush on the equipment check, I really do appreciate it, the ones we have may just be old but I which they could stay up more and not fall over so often even during non-windy days. Yea, I considered NFL flag as well, but I just thought if we built from the ground up, although the initial investment will be larger we could get a better hold on some costs and also set ourselves apart. We have a shopify store in the works similar to NFL Flag so we are hoping to get that rolling by next year. Would definitely appreciate some of the pricing information but once again no rush it is the Holiday season. I have found some great suppliers so if you ever need shorts etc.. let me know. Although you have to buy in bulk with your registration numbers they will work with you on that. For example our top and bottoms as long as we get over 50 registrations is $30 im sure you can get shorts for $8-$12 per shorts once you hit the 50qty, and this particular supplier apparently does some NFL FLAG Jerseys etc..I've included a mockup and pics below. Jerseys are also reversible. Not ego at all, you have an idea and want it brought to life. I've very particular about our logos as well. I like the idea of the popflag surrounding it very good and innovative approach. We will use the triple threat version and will have it incorporated in some of the logos from our league as well, so job well done. Get the logo as you like it, I'm very picky when it comes to the logo etc.. its the first impression and what people see and recognize about your business. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to security, I havent asked yet but im not wanting to if you catch my drift. But I've seen enough youtube and other vids to understand that some parents can get carried away. One way I want to combat playing time and lower skilled teams losing interest, is have our playoffs be split in 2 divisions, so even if we have 8 teams and the 8th team is 1-5 they can still be a 4 seed in the lower division and still compete for a championship. We do the same for the adults, and I think it helps keep everyone engaged more when they can still point to a post season birth. I haven't been to a NFL Flag tournament yet, but I have attended UFFL tournaments. My goal in 2024 will be to attend a few more USA FLAG, UFFL, and an NFL Flag one to see how they are ran and handled. We would like to do one one day. Yea man you run a massive league by yourself so getting help is paramount, even if its volunteer help that would be great. We plan on getting a league manager next year and have accounted for it in the pricing somewhat. Yea running a league is a labor of love and it great to get recognized by those that see and recognize it. Also have you considered vendors/food trucks? We plan on having them next year and if you charge them $150-$300 for a whole season or have a year long price that may also be a way to have some extra to put towards a helper etc...
  12. We're shooting for 70y-30y, or 68y-30y (8y endzones) that is good to know as I want to run at least 2 at a time and possible do a third during playoffs. We have pylons that we bring and set up ourselves, we will invest in more. Do you by chance know the maker of the pylons you use, we find that they blow over too often when its windy so we're hoping on getting some more that are more sturdy. I need to find aerial coverage of our field as I like the way you set up the pictures was gonnna ask how you found them before you mentioned it. Glad you did that parking is vital and we have also have eldery couples come out and watch our games so making it easy for them is something we also want to keep in mind. I did the pull tabs/QR codes idea and it was a dud for us. Imagine we bought over 400 of the hanging door adds to put up in our apartment complex and surrounding complex's and also a dud not one call or nothing. And those things were nice ordered them off Vista Print. A budget $100-$300 in ad costs and run IG ads I don't think you will be disappointed, especially if you ever get to expand to other districts. We are starting the ad campaign soon and we will just run it for a few days at a time which is about $3-$5 a day. The donation idea is really good. I found a supplier that makes the footballs so we can get them anywhere between ($6-$11) so hoping we will be able to give some sort of gift/raffle out to the parents etc... One idea I had (dont laugh) is to set up a market/ shopping store where kids who either did well or got awards could shop at the RISE Store with (gwinnett bucks) sell below. What we would do is set up the cafeteria as a make shift shopping store with booths (think walmart). And they could use special money to buy clothes, school supplies etc... I got the "money" special made on pintrest or etsy cant remember. But I wanted to set it up through the school so it can be given out to students who did well or just do it as a before the school year supply drive, where students can come "shop" for supplies on their list. Easy way to give back plus fun and innovative way for kids to get supplies. Was that a rule before you arrived about district exclusivity? I mean expanding it if there is enough man power I think is pretty important and gives kids the opportunities to play a sport and socialize as well. Thanks for the price breakdown that registration income is AMAZING, man we can only wish to get there one day. Our league registration is below, honestly I want everyone to get in on the early registration that is why it's so long, and we absorb the registration fees, so they only pay the $95 etc.. I wanted to make it as straight forward and simple to follow. Yea we hope to minimize our uniform costs and ref fees are our biggest costs as well along with field rental. For the uniforms what does NFL Flag supply? Is it tops, bottoms and flags? Or just tops and flags? And are the uniforms true to size for their size list? We are using their size chart as a template but can vary if needed. The pricing is definetly fair we are wanting to do a bundle (jersey,shorts,belt) with the registration and a separate gear kit(sleeves,socks,mouthguard,head band) for those parents who just want to get everything at once and not go shopping. Abusive parents/students are a concern of mine as well. There is a code of conduct policy that every parent signs during registration process and we hope big hope, is to have at least 1 security officer there at all times. That would make the costs jump but I want to avoid those situations where parents/coaches etc. are being abusive and/or threatening staff/players/refs. Playing time isn't something I thought about until now as our rosters are small (10 max) but I can see how that can become an issue. That maybe something we speak to all coaches/volunteers about is getting everyone in the game. Our league is 8th-12th grade so form about 13-17 give or take. Yea the really young kids are really cute but if we were to expand ages we would need to have someone direct that portion of the league. As of now I thought the older kids would be easier to manage(could be wrong). But that is awesome you have really taken to helping and encouraging them. I can tell this is a labor of love for you when it comes to the league and players. $95 (3 months long)--early registration includes (jersey,shorts,belt) $125--regular $140--late leagues in our area $140-$250 per child
  13. Totally understand we are a 2 man shop and I handle all marketing, IG, plus league management so I toally understand. That is interesting the way you have your league set up I considered doing something similar and giving "perks" to kids within the school county district etc... but the man power wouldve been too great. Yea, I had to learn to not let it get to me when players/team didn't return. I just focused on staying consistent and running a good league and they tend to swing back around. I think once you can get the older flag league running you may see some of those players swing on back. We find when it comes to the adult leagues they will leave play in other leagues but come back since we are one of the few consistent leagues that offer 7v7 at a reasonable price that plays outdoors. We have a home base school that we have donated to that we have full support of the administration so they have stated they will help us get the word out, but like you said it isn't always consistent. That is why I'm hoping a mix of emailing coaches and IG will work. I've included the link for USA Flag for insurance purposes, they will also put you on their website. Like I said $200 will cover faclities and its for each league season. They may also give discounts for youth leagues but not sure. https://usaflag.org/sanction/ $5/for a field usage fee per hour? I'm clearly in the wrong state...lol man I had to read that twice that is awesome. We're at $18 set by the county so not crazy but man we could definietely do a lot more with the price your paying. Do you play on a full size football field then partition it off for Flag? That is our plan to take a field and split it into 2 or 3 length wise if it will fit. We have a reffing company that we use, but getting some upper classmen in HS to be volunteer refs sounds pretty cool we would just have to find a good training program for them. I think if we can get the to recognize the penalties we can have cheat sheets for yardage etc... we use modified USA FLAG rules just as a way to keep it simple. Fundraising is one of my goals to get an actual sponsor for 2024, our BBALL Jerseys have places for businesses to get a patch put on each Jersey (see below) and we plan on incorporating that to the Youth flag jerseys as well. I had never heard of a Cash Calendar, I plan on doing some research it sounds pretty amazing. Yea 15k would fund all our sports and would have us do an enitrely free season, which is a goal of mine as a way to say thanks for the support. I've done the Dicks thing but gotten rejected or no response. I'm going to try again and hopefully get some response as I see other leagues have them as a sponsor. Ill make note of the Scoretronics we currently just have the the refs keep score and update the app (I know) but that may be a plan in the future. Along with live streaming the games especially the youth games. Really appreciate the help. My name is Sam and let me know if I can help as well. Great talking to you and will be in touch for sure. **I found some decent suppliers for uniforms/ring etc.. on Alibaba just an FYI if you ever need it.
  14. Man that is some great feedback thank you very much, we run IG ads and that has been the best form of advertising to date. The ROI on that was about $1000 worth throughout 2023 and that is what jumpstarted our basketball league. We ran three seasons this year and had no basketball league as of Jan 1, 2023. We also have a list of about 40-50 HS and MS from our current and surrounding counties, of which I'm grabbing the names of the Female Flag coaches(No HS Flag option for guys in the area past 8th grade). I will email them all the poster we created plus running ads for the next 4 months and hope for the best. We're hoping for 60-80 kids and going from there. We try to run each league 3 times a year as HS Flag is a fall sport here so we're hoping to run a Spring and Summer Youth flag league. The adults we try to run Spring, Summer and Fall for all three. NFL FLAG, Under Armour Flag, and about 2 other private flag leagues are huge out here so there is a base I'm hoping to provide a equal or better experience with a 15% reduction in price. So we shall see. My hope is that youth leagues become a primary leauges as the ROI is better for us. I like the clearing house Idea, have you tried reaching out to local coaches, trainers etc.. Also if you're doing flag and this is just a suggestion. Have you thought about getting sanctioned through USA Flag. They are the national body and behind the push to get flag in the Olympics. It's pretty easy to get sanctioned and they offer insurance to cover facilities for $200 flat rate. (I do not work for them or get any commission) But that is what we use and its been great and saved us a ton on getting facility insurance. If you don't mind me asking how many games do you guys have a season. We are thinking 6 games (Just like our competition) but 5v5 games are so short I'm debating doing a 8 game season. What are your thoughts?
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