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Contact Information in Mobile App Roster


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Hi there,


For privacy reasons, we have chosen not to make parent and athlete information automatically available to all team members. Some thoughts though. We'll be release a contact list PDF that the coach can opt to provide to all team members or we also now have a team chat function in the mobile app that allows you to contact other members. Finally, the mobile apps supports parent to parent or parent to coach email messaging. 


Hope some of those suggestions help,





Rob Bedeaux (he/him/his)
Director, Partnerships & Symphony Marketing
E rob.bedeaux@nbcuni.com


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I'm going to upvote @jwfmartin here.  I too would like the ability to have parent names/emails/phone numbers published in the team roster information.  Doesn't have to be on by default but it would be nice to be able to opt-in and have it auto-populate from the registration information.  Our workaround is to use a Player Content Template Variable (Admin|Website Tools|Variables|Create New Variable) to add some fields for parents' names/phone/email that they can fill in if they wish to do so.


James Fairweather

WebMaster, Vancouver Community Baseball 

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Yes: I'm asking for the team roster page to have a field called "contact info".  The "Contact Info" field would contain players' parents' names, email addresses, and phone numbers.  Just look at a TeamSnap roster page for what I'm talking about.  Of course the parents would need to opt in to have their information included, but most will choose to do so.  Parent contact information should be available in both the mobile app and on the website.


I guess a PDF document would be OK too, but if anyone needs to update their information, the coach would need to generate a new document and repost it, so I'd view it inferior to allowing parents to include their contact information on the team roster page.

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I'm not sure what the privacy concerns could be if the ability to display contact information is optional. That said, even if opted in, contact information should only display to authorized viewer of the team, whether on the website or mobile app.
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I also agree this would be helpful.  Our league does this via the web by creating a sub page of the team page and adding a survey report element that points to our registration and filtering it to the team name.  To address privacy concerns, we make the sub page private and only provide access to the coaches and parents on the team.  Would be nice if this replicated to the mobile app.
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  • 3 months later...

Hello jwfmartin


We have made a "Contact List" available to team managers in the "Team Center" application accessible online. You'll see this on the roster page along with a button to print the roster without the contact info for those who you don't want to have all of the contact information.


We are also working on a project that will expose the Contact and Guardian information on the Roster within our mobile app. This work has not yet started, but will be our focus in the coming months. Initially the contact info will only be available to the Coach and Team Admins, as there will be some additional permission/privacy work to be done such that individuals can opt out of sharing their contact info with the entire team. 


Please let me know if you have any questions!

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