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Is there any way to keep Sports Management instead of migrating to Season Mangement?


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I run one adult baseball league that has used Sportsengine for the last 5 years. While it has its quirks, it works. I am now being asked to help our local little league to migrate from League Athletics (which is being shut down) over to sportsengine. The adult league still uses sports management but I have been told I have to migrate to season management after the season. The little league would have to start with Season management. From what I have read, had chats with Support about, and watched tutorials on, the season management is a step backwards in functionality. While it may have cleaned up some of the quirks, it will create more work and has dropped multiple features. Our little league needs pitch count pitcher eligiblity. The current sportsengine Sports Management supports that. The new seasons does not - woops. The old sports management nicely created season, division, and team pages automatically. I could tag various events to multiple teams at once. The new seasons does not. 

If any sportsengine people are reading this, can you please consider allowing people to keep using Sports Management until you have had a chance to have feature parity?

I don't know how I recommend sportsengine to the board of the little league and tell them they are loosing multiple features they rely on?

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We are a softball league coming from League Athletics who were shocked at the feature loss when it comes to Season Management. No cross-season conflict checking by location. No master calendar (not even within a season, "events" don't show up  which means no practices or tryouts), a hundred little issues with filtering, no fine-grained permissions that let our coaches do what they need without stomping all over what our commissioners and schedulers do. The app gives coaches too many permissions - scheduling and rostering! - while the webpage team center doesn't even let them score their own games. There is a manual publish step for every scored game, every added practice, that has to be done by an HQ admin. There is no direct integration with the webpage.

My account manager would not let us fall back to Sports Management.

I will say on the positive side that the financial tools in SportsEngine are head and shoulders above League Athletics. The registration experience is better as an admin and as a user. But the season management is such a huge part of what youth sports leagues do that I'm not sure why they chose to rush the product roll-out so much that it's missing so many key features, especially given they own League Athletics. Dig through the interface and make new Season Management feature complete with what League Athletics had. I know that would take a while, but bungling the roll out of Season Management has alienated a lot of people.

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  • 4 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Laura N said:

I would LOVE to go back. This new "beta" is terrible. Nothing works well and you can't rely on anything. Games and scores go missing. 

Oh glad to know we aren’t the only ones experiencing scores going missing! Have you filed the bug with the help desk? Gotten a ticket to track progress? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a known bug that they have not addressed yet. Currently you have to go in to each game, re open it, and re-save it and that should work. This is only 1 of a ridiculous amount of issues.

If anyone is reading this and considering going with the beta, do not do it. It's not even close to being ready. It's not even close to a beta, it's still in early development. It's not usable. 

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4 hours ago, CH15 said:

It's a known bug that they have not addressed yet. Currently you have to go in to each game, re open it, and re-save it and that should work. This is only 1 of a ridiculous amount of issues.

If anyone is reading this and considering going with the beta, do not do it. It's not even close to being ready. It's not even close to a beta, it's still in early development. It's not usable. 

100% agree.  This was something that should have been released in 2024, they are literally having paying customers do the testing instead of having actual testers do it before it got to market.

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  • 2 months later...

Season Management is terrible. I'm running the website for a high school team and this is a load of junk. Sports Management was a nightmare too, but at least I figured that one out. We HATE Sports Engine. I manage 5 websites for a living and this is the most wretched experience and "support" is useless (across kb articles, videos, walk-through tutorials, chat, and over the phone).

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  • 6 months later...

Not being able to have coaches update game scores automatically without an Admin having to click Sync fir every little change to the ridiculous microsite is completely ridiculous.   Did I mention it's ridiculous?  Well, it's ridiculous.   Sadly SE sees it as a feature not a bug.  Next season we will be using software that shows game scores and results immediately- and sadly after a decade with SE for our girls softball league - we will be finding a sports management package that works...

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