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Everything posted by avig

  1. I run one adult baseball league that has used Sportsengine for the last 5 years. While it has its quirks, it works. I am now being asked to help our local little league to migrate from League Athletics (which is being shut down) over to sportsengine. The adult league still uses sports management but I have been told I have to migrate to season management after the season. The little league would have to start with Season management. From what I have read, had chats with Support about, and watched tutorials on, the season management is a step backwards in functionality. While it may have cleaned up some of the quirks, it will create more work and has dropped multiple features. Our little league needs pitch count pitcher eligiblity. The current sportsengine Sports Management supports that. The new seasons does not - woops. The old sports management nicely created season, division, and team pages automatically. I could tag various events to multiple teams at once. The new seasons does not. If any sportsengine people are reading this, can you please consider allowing people to keep using Sports Management until you have had a chance to have feature parity? I don't know how I recommend sportsengine to the board of the little league and tell them they are loosing multiple features they rely on?
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