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Calendar Sync for 2 teams individually


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Is there a way to subscribe to 2 different calendars instead of combining into one?  Both teams have “practice” listed, but I need to know which team is at which field, by color coding or naming the individual schedules.  Please provide a workaround or development team, please enhance to offer this feature.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Administrators

Hey Janie! 

Thank you for reaching out to us with your question, we appreciate your engagement in our community forum and your interest in enhancing the features.

While we understand your request, currently, our platform does not offer a direct way to subscribe to multiple calendars separately. However, we understand the importance of such a feature and the value it would bring to our users.

Rest assured, your suggestion has been forwarded to our product development team. They continuously evaluate user feedback and suggestions to improve our platform. Your input is crucial in shaping the future direction of our forum. We appreciate your contribution in making our community stronger and more user-friendly.

Thanks again 



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Agreed, this basically makes the calendar function unusable for those with more than one kid or more than one team.    ALL of the competing apps have this capability.  

Edited by shw104
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I was able to subscribe to both calendars for my sons and then changed the color in my calendar app. Our family uses iCalendar and it was easy to do in the app. I tried it for Google too to try and help another family on our team and was able to do it in my Google calendar using my laptop. I don't have the Google calendar app so I'm not sure if you could do it on a mobile device. For Google calendar from the team page select the iCal button and copy the link. Then open Google calendar and select the add new calendar icon, use URL and paste the calendar there. Then select the one you want to change. Three dots appear, hit the 3 dots and the options of colors show up. I'll attach pictures to try and explain. I hope this helps!


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This would be an incredibly helpful feature! As a parent of kids on different teams, I also need to keep their schedules separate in my calendar. When games and practices get combined into one calendar it's impossible to tell which event is for which child.

A workaround could be allowing two separate calendar subscriptions - one for Team A and one for Team B. That way practices and games would sync to my calendar categorized by team. Even just color coding each team's events would be great.

Ideally there could be an option when syncing to maintain separation between multiple team calendars. That would solve the issue of everything blending together. Please consider adding individual team calendar subscriptions or color coding! This would help parents manage hectic sports schedules.

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Also I Appreciated your feedback. A 2024 calendar is simply a calendar that displays the days, weeks, and months of the year calendar 2024. It would show the dates and possibly holidays and other special days throughout that year. If you're asking for specific details about the year 2024.

Edited by xgecemx
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Major agree. I used to be able to do this easily by going to the Team Page, but that seems to have disappeared. We have 3 kids on 3 different SE teams, and I want to be able to give my daughter her team only on her calendar. No longer possible. This is a big step backwards.

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@wecoan@xgecemx @StephCurran

Thank you so much for sharing this with us and providing additional detail into how a feature like this could assist you in the future. 

I know that this was identified this as a potential feature on our roadmap back in July but additional feedback like this is helpful for our team. 

Thanks again! 

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1 hour ago, Marie Fitzgerald said:

If this is in reference to the SportsEngine mobile app - this thread seems to have the solve!


To be clear the SE mobile users consider that only a partial fix (from another thread over in that same forum). We'd ideally like to see it such that there is a single feed, but each event is given additional attributes in iCal by SE HQ itself, to include:

  • Team
  • League
  • Location (the location title used by the league in scheduling, not just the address, to help people who might play at multiple fields at the same address).
  • and possibly others. It's quite possible Motion Mobile apps want something very similar, though customized to their use case.
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Bumping this again because my wife and I just realized that both of our kid's schedules are indistinguishable from each other because they're treated like one calendar. We'll jump on board and say that this makes the sportsengine calendar sync feature useless to us because we'll have to remove the sync and manually enter every date in order to make our calendar function properly which will also require us to delete and modify the dates every time one of the team's makes a change.

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  • 2 months later...

Now they have removed the ability to do the work around. Just went in through the app on my phone and went into the individual teams and grabbed the calendar link and they made the link the same for all calendars so now I can't even do the workaround... SportsEngine why would you remove the ability to do something that clearly multiple people want, myself included!!!!!! I was bummed as we just got our DakBoard up and running and now it won't be able to show our family who has practices and games and where because everything is the same feaking color. You said you talked about this on your RoadMap in July and it is now November and it seems the only thing that you have done is removed the workaround ability to have separate calendars. I don't know what kind of sprints & product development workflows you are using but someone is dropping the ball on this one!! PLEASE either provide this ability or go back and allow the workaround for us who are willing to do the extra work for different calendars. I still can't believe that you removed a work around when you have acknowledged on this forum that it has been talked about and then multiple treads in this forum asking for it... Make organizations want to keep using your app instead of giving us reasons for the association boards to look for other alternatives! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

1) Agreed 100%.  This functional oversight is a logistical disaster for anyone with more than one player, team, or organization using Sports Engine....which I'd think is a meaty portion of the demographic of users.  I can see why the BUYERS of the platform (read: league administrators) might want a single consolidated schedule, but for parents, its a nightmare.  Just my +100 for this feature request.

2) For parents, I came up with a new workaround which may be worth considering for your situation, depending how much this irritates you.  On many email platforms, like Gmail, you can append your email username with "+" and then whatever you want, and use it as an alias for your email address.  So, if your email is busyparent@gmail.com, you can give out busyparent+child1@gmail.com and emails will still get to you.  This is helpful for rules and email routing in your inbox, among other things.

In this case, I created additional Sports Engine accounts for calendar management for each of my children, and invited the new accounts to be guardians for each child.  So that means there's a busyparent+child2@gmail.com and a busyparent+child3@gmail.com, which from SE's perspective are completely separate users.  I made each new account ONLY THE GUARDIAN FOR THE CHILD IN QUESTION, so that when I sync that user's calendar, I only get the appropriate child's calendar pulled down into my Google Calendar.  It's not perfect, as I would ideally want a unique calendar per child per team, so there's some risk that we bring the right kid to the wrong team or sport, but whatever.  It's better than having a completely useless calendar that requires completely manual management and oversight.

As an aside, the calendar sync worked differently for me on a PC than on my Android.  Although I did all of the account setup on the computer, the calendar sync to Google went more smoothly on the phone.

I hope this helps someone keep their kids' scheduling reasonably manageable, and inspires the SE product team to upvote this enhancement for the sake of their USERS, if not their BUYERS.

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What a pain in the butt.  Our teams just switched to this app this season.  I wish they would go back to the old app.  What's the point of having a calendar link if it won't help you know what your kids have to do? 


Basically, parents will have to just add manual calendar items or copy each event individually to their kids' calendars.  I will be writing to my organization to change apps for next year.  We use TeamSnap for my son's soccer and it's great.

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PPs, I would not be so quick to blame your league boards/administrators/webmasters. SE HQ sales people provide a lot of promises and make a lot of features sound more valuable then they actually are.

I am a webmaster for my league and probably had it worse than most parents with 3 kids on 4 separate teams at once. I also got every single complaint from coaches and families either directly or forwarded to me, in order to pass them on to HQ. I was deeply, deeply aware of all the issues and felt horrible for our families (as I told the Help Desk regularly). I fully knew most of our coaches switched to other apps early to mid-season even though those apps didn't integrate directly with the schedule.

If you read these forums you'll see they are full of webmasters and administrators begging HQ to make the website and app more usable for families.

Edited by freezinKT
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  • 2 weeks later...
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@freezinKT @CinnamonT3 @WyldRyd @kesmit02 

Thank you for your feedback, I've shared this with our product team. 

You have nailed a key area our product team is overhauling to improve the experience for all users involved. It's a large project in terms of scope, and it's built into our product roadmap for 2024. That said, it will take a considerable amount of time to implement, and it is not something that our team will want to rush to release. 

We always appreciate feedback that helps us build the best experience for parents, volunteers, participants, and admins. Thank you again.

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  • 2 months later...

This is so frustrating - having 3 kids in multiple sports, on multiple teams who all use SE and I can only sync the entire calendar.  There is a way to do this, because some teams put direct iCal links that you can copy for individual teams.  The teams that don't do this is where I am having issues.  I have 3 lacrosse teams and 1 hockey team that doesn't put the direct iCal link on their site.  If I attempt to sync the calendar, I get everything - which I cannot color code by kid and then it shoes duplicates for those teams I have already pulled the direct iCal into Google.  


If individual teams can do this on their website calendars, it is crazy to me that the development of this is such a large roadmap.  Why can't you just include the same direct link in each team when parents log into the SE account?  This shouldn't be a major development lift.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/13/2023 at 4:28 PM, Simon MacKenzie said:

@freezinKT @CinnamonT3 @WyldRyd @kesmit02 

Thank you for your feedback, I've shared this with our product team. 

You have nailed a key area our product team is overhauling to improve the experience for all users involved. It's a large project in terms of scope, and it's built into our product roadmap for 2024. That said, it will take a considerable amount of time to implement, and it is not something that our team will want to rush to release. 

We always appreciate feedback that helps us build the best experience for parents, volunteers, participants, and admins. Thank you again.

Any update? This calendar is killing me!  With SE being one the most widely used apps for sports teams, I would think this would be a priority.  I have to imagine any parent with multiple sports teams and multiple kids needs this feature ASAP.  I just want to color code by team so I get the right kid to the right spot. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

The most frustrating thing about this issue is they already have this functionality, I can't figure out why they can't get this updated.

So a little background... I have multiple kids in multiple sports where each sport is a different host organization that each uses sportsengine (they just use them differently or maybe they are different tiers of subscriptions?)

One sport my children have individual team sportsengine pages which for each of these teams has their own calendar with a iCal link.  Very easy to get each kid their own calendar link so we can distinguish between them.  These team pages look very professional (I'm not sure if the aesthetics of these pages is due to the organization spending time to update them or a different tier of a sportsengine subscription).

The other sport has this chintzy looking sportsengine team pages where there is no individual team iCal link.  When I go to my profile I can get the dreaded combined team calendar for all my kids together.  This is the calendar sync that nobody wants if there isn't a way to tell what team is what.

Here is the work-around, I have an android so I couldn't do this without help.  On the team with the chintzy looking site the iphone users can sync the way they want (individual calendar per kid).  The iphone users can get me the unique iCal address per each of my kids team's calendars and I can add them via a desktop google-calendar site and it works (each kid has their own synced calendar).   However - in terms of a product support this is insane.  Sportsengine costs each host organization a lot of money per year and needing to go lengths like this to extract the iCal address per team is just silly.  They have the inidividual iCAL addresses for each team please expose them to your users, as this is what your customers want!

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Simon MacKenzie  Any update on when this will be updated??  This is not an issue on any other sports platform we use and it's a real headache.  Maybe call over to TeamSnap, Mojo Sports, or GameChanger and see how they do it......  

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  • 2 weeks later...
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@Beth DNo defimitive timelines as of yet, however we will be announcing updates to the product roadmap and additional updates in a webinar in May. Watch for an invite in the forum or in your inbox in the coming weeks. Thank you for voicing your experience with this and the urgency to get this prioritized. 

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This is a massive problem I'm on 3 different boards that use Sports Engine for my kids teams and they are all finding that the calendar is a huge pain point for our parents because of the single calendar sync and everything coming over as 1 color.  This is such a pain point that we are looking to dropping Sports Engine and going with something different.  Sports Engine used to be the top of the line, but I feel like they are too interested in gaining new clients and adding on new ventures that they are forgetting to keep up with all of the other team organizational sites that are out there and frankly less expensive to use for smaller organizations.  I have always been a huge fan and supporter to pay for Sports Engine and to keep using it but not getting the updates for items like the huge calendar issue is pushing me to agreeing with the others that we need to switch to another platform.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE prove me wrong and have a fix for this ASAP, if other platforms are able to get the calendars to separate you should too.....and to take away the work around that some parents came up with was completely wrong.  If people from outside your organization can figure out a work around why can't your people make it work the way that 1000's of families need it to help to organize our families calendars.  

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