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Simon MacKenzie

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Simon MacKenzie last won the day on June 27

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  • Location
    Minneapolis, MN
  • Role
    Product Marketing Manager | SE Motion
  • Sports
    Golf, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Football, Swimming, Lacrosse

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  1. In part two, we chat with JD Penilton, coaching program manager at Portland Community Football Club (PCFC). Explore JD's youth sports journey and his passion for PCFC's mission. Discover the diverse programs empowering families in soccer, regardless of financial constraints or personal identity. We want to hear your thoughts about this episode and how we can be better - Share your thoughts
  2. Check out part 1 of our conversation with Kaig Lightner and JD Penilton, founder and coaching program manager of Portland Community Football Club (PCFC). PCFC is breaking barriers in youth soccer by providing opportunities and support for low-income, immigrant, refugee, and LGBTQ+ youth. This episode explores PCFC's origins, community impact, current programs, and future initiatives. We want to hear your thoughts about this episode and how we can be better - Share your thoughts
  3. @etfaadmin Yes - the team is targeting the end of the month/first week of August! Feel free to send a note when you get the update and any feedback you have.
  4. We are thrilled to announce the latest enhancement to the SportsEngine Motion platform – Role-Based Access! This powerful new feature will give you greater control and flexibility over managing permissions within your organization. What’s New? Role-Based Access replaces our static list of admin levels with customizable roles and granular permissions. Now, you can create specific roles tailored to your organization's unique needs and assign permissions that define exactly what each role can access and do. Benefits for you: Enhanced Control: πŸŽ›οΈ With Role-Based Access, you have complete control over who can access what. Create roles that perfectly match your organizational structure, from coaches to bookkeepers. Flexibility: πŸ”„ Roles are highly customizable, allowing you to set precise permissions for each role. Whether you want to limit someone’s access to just financial reports or managing event registrations, you decide who can do what. Streamlined Management: πŸ“Š The new Permission Management section in org tools makes creating, editing, and assigning roles easy. Quickly adjust permissions as your needs change without any hassle. Examples: Coach/Instructor Role: πŸ… Create a Coach or Instructor role with permissions to manage team rosters, view schedules, and record attendance. This role can focus on their teams without accessing sensitive financial information. Financial Admin Role: πŸ’° Set up a Financial Admin role with permissions to handle billing, process payments, and access financial reports. Keep financial tasks secure and separate from other administrative duties. Event Organizer Role: πŸŽ‰ Design an Event Organizer role that allows members to create and manage events, communicate with participants, and handle logistics. Perfect for organizing competitions, fundraisers, and other activities. How to Get Started: Access Permission Management: Navigate to the new Permission Management section in β€œOrg Tools.” Create Roles: Define roles that fit your organizational needs, such as Coach, Financial Admin, or Event Organizer. Assign Permissions: Customize the permissions for each role, ensuring each team member has the necessary access. Assign Roles to Accounts: Easily assign roles to user accounts, instantly giving them the appropriate permissions. RoleBasedPermissions_Video.mp4
  5. Join the 'For the Love of Sport' Podcast team in a conversation with Phil Squatrito, aka β€œCoach Squats,” founder of Girl Power Flag Football League, for another episode of our mini-series, "Sideline Shorts." Phil discusses his mission to empower young girls through flag football, highlighting the league's positive environment and developmental focus. Explore the partnership with the NFL and learn about the exciting programs and initiatives ahead for Girl Power Flag. We want to hear your thoughts about this episode and how we can be better - Share your thoughts
  6. In this episode, we sit down with Danette Leighton, CEO of the Women's Sports Foundation (WSF). With extensive experience in sports marketing and leadership roles, Danette shares her insights into WSF's impactful work for girls and women nationwide. The conversation explores the importance of youth sports for girls, WSF's initiatives, and its 50th-anniversary celebrations. Join the hosts in celebrating International Women's Day early as they delve into empowering women and girls in sports. Take a listen to the full episode below or watch the full video episode on SportsEngine Play! We want to hear your thoughts about this episode and how we can be better - Share your thoughts
  7. Hey @BUBearsFan can you describe this use case a little more? Are you referring to fees for any registrations created in SportsEngine HQ via the mobile application?
  8. @Jacob Kretz this help article may be of help https://motion-help.sportsengine.com/en/articles/8538402-relationship-of-billing-groups-member-groups-registration-groups-locations
  9. @tcano@JenCronin Thank you for flagging this - I believe the team has already implemented a fix for this but just in case, If you ask the organization to unroster and reroster you to the team it should show again on the mobile app.
  10. @TimThies Thanks for flagging this - I know that our team has been working to address the calendar sync issues. I'm assuming that you've tried this method already Sign in and go to the Schedule tab of your MySE account. In the top-right corner of the screen, click Sync Schedule. Choose Other Calendar and click Copy. Paste your calendar link into your preferred calendar application. Related Information How to Subscribe to an iCal Feed How to Sync Your Team Schedule to Your Google Calendar How to Unsubscribe From an iCal Feed Please feel free to send me a DM with more information around syncing to Google and Outlook.
  11. Hey Everyone, We've noticed the uptick in spammers across the community forum and have added some additional parameters around account creation that should limit these posts in the future. If more pop up, please flag the post or tag me or @Marie Fitzgerald Thank you to everyone who has reached out and flagged the spam messages for our team. Thanks!
  12. We're excited to announce a new feature that will make managing your class schedules easier than ever – No-Class Schedules! πŸ—“οΈ What’s New? With No-Class Schedules, you can now set no-class days at the class setup level, creating a library of pre-set schedules that can be applied to multiple classes and bookings. This feature removes the need to set no-class days individually for each class you create, saving you valuable time and effort. Plus, all existing no-class days will be automatically converted to the new schedule format, so you won't need to do any additional work! Benefits for you: Streamlined Management: πŸš€ Instead of managing no-class days for each individual class, you can now create a single schedule that applies to all relevant classes and bookings. This is especially useful for holidays, maintenance days, or any recurring no-class periods. Consistency: πŸ“… Ensure all your classes are on the same page with no class schedules, reducing the risk of scheduling errors and ensuring a consistent experience for your participants. Time-Saving: ⏳ Free up time for your admins by reducing the repetitive task of setting no class days for each class. With centralized schedules, you can make changes quickly and efficiently. Examples: Holiday Breaks: πŸŽ„ Easily set a holiday break schedule for all your classes, ensuring no sessions are booked during these periods. Maintenance Days: πŸ› οΈ Schedule regular maintenance days on which no classes will take place and apply this schedule to all affected classes. Special Events: πŸŽ‰ Plan for special events by setting no class schedules in advance so your participants know there won’t be classes on those days. Individual Instructor Schedules: πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Set unique schedules for each staff member to efficiently manage class times or booking slots according to each instructor's availability. Click here to learn more about how to create No-Class Schedules
  13. Hey @SOap Recommended Banner Image Size: 1000px x 300px You can find more information here - https://help.sportsengine.com/en/articles/6323346-how-to-change-your-website-banner-image Love to see the update to your banner and feel free to post it here!
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