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Merging Profiles for Guardian

Chris Jones



My son Kyle had a profile attached to my wife's account when he was registered in our Rec program last year.


She shared the profile to me as a Guardian.


Now Kyle has been added to one of our club teams on a different website. This was done under my account.


Now, when I go into my account, I can see both profiles, but I am unable to merge them.



I am the site admin for all three of our sites (Rec and 2 club) and when this kind of nonsense happens to me, I feel like there is little hope that the average user will be able to navigate this system of accounts and profiles successfully.




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Hi Chris, Thanks for the feedback. We continue to work on how accounts (and guardians) and profiles work, and this no doubt is something that we need to figure out. 


Each parent creating a separate profile for the same kid creates a number of frustrating scenarios. I've already shared this post with our product teams.

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Is there a solution to merge these profiles?


It seems to me that my wife is the 'owner' of this profile even though it is shared to me as a guardian. We really should be 'co-owners' and both be able to merge and make changes to profiles.





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I sent my problem to the accounthelp email address and they promptly trashed my account so that I no longer have admin access to my website.


Instead of combining profiles for my son like I asked, they instead combined my account with my wife's and now neither account works.


When I login with my wife's email address, it shows my name but no profiles.


This has been a really really aggravating year with SportsEngine.



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My wife's account was folded into mine and essentially made an alias. She is now a sub-profile on my account. This is the best that could be done until significant changes are made to the SE platform.


I'm still having an issue with connecting to my website in Chrome.

There are no profiles shown when I chose 'Connect to Site'



So I am unable to administer the site from Chrome for now. Never had this problem before the great profile merge, so I'm assuming it is related.


Things seem to work on Internet Explorer.  Firefox won't even load the page, something about redirect and cookies.





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