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Create a ranking field/question


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22 hours ago, Scooter said:

How would you guys go about this inside a registration...

I would like our registrants to rank their practice days. Monday-Friday, 1 through 5. 

Any thoughts?

You can set up a custom questions where the question is pick a day inside the registration asking what day would you prefer, then have them place the number next to the day. This is a crude way to do it but will get the results you want.  Also make sure to update the report label field if using for reporting later.



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Or you could invert what @riseatl suggest and have the questions be:

  • What is your 1st preferred practice day? [Mon/Tue/Wed/Thur/Fri]
  • What is your 2nd preferred practice day? [Mon/Tue/Wed/Thur/Fri]
  • etc.

And while the text field would work I'd probably go with a dropdown just so you don't get people creating their own numbering scheme and giving you an answer of 9 3/4 or something.

If you go with either of the two ways mentioned you may want to include a '0' value so that people can say they aren't available on a given day so you can know the difference between, "I'd rather not practice that night, but I can make it work," compared to, "If you have practice that night my player won't be able to attend because of conflict."

Just my 2c, but if you're looking to create teams based on preferred practice days you might want to just capture the top two days or something. In general there's no way to accommodate everyone's needs.

Second step will be making sense of the data you get from the Registration and you'll probably need to use Google Sheets or Excel to do that - feel free to message me if you want a hand with that as there's lots of tricks you can do there with formulas, etc., if needed.

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We aren't quite that generous to our players and families. I give them a single question: "Select all practice nights your player is NOT available to practice" and they can pick up to 4 of the week days. The idea is that any one they don't pick is fair game for them to practice on. When you're trying to create balanced teams plus include nights that everyone can practice on plus take into consideration special positions (we're a softball league) trying to get everyone their number one practice night is near impossible. We go for "if you can be there, you might be on that team."

Plus that way it's only one question for the spreadsheet export.

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8 hours ago, Felzani, Matthew said:

Or you could invert what @riseatl suggest and have the questions be:

  • What is your 1st preferred practice day? [Mon/Tue/Wed/Thur/Fri]
  • What is your 2nd preferred practice day? [Mon/Tue/Wed/Thur/Fri]
  • etc.

And while the text field would work I'd probably go with a dropdown just so you don't get people creating their own numbering scheme and giving you an answer of 9 3/4 or something.

If you go with either of the two ways mentioned you may want to include a '0' value so that people can say they aren't available on a given day so you can know the difference between, "I'd rather not practice that night, but I can make it work," compared to, "If you have practice that night my player won't be able to attend because of conflict."

Just my 2c, but if you're looking to create teams based on preferred practice days you might want to just capture the top two days or something. In general there's no way to accommodate everyone's needs.

Second step will be making sense of the data you get from the Registration and you'll probably need to use Google Sheets or Excel to do that - feel free to message me if you want a hand with that as there's lots of tricks you can do there with formulas, etc., if needed.

I actually prefer matthews method lol,  a lot cleaner and easier to to implement

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I have done this for some of our younger baseball divisions where we have enough kids to support it AND where we don't do a draft.  But I asked the question in a slightly different way that gives me maximum information to align preferences, but still gives me the majority of control:




Operationally, I sort all the kids into buckets based on their critical conflicts and assign those teams first.  The last ones to be assigned are the kids with the most flexibility.

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