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Can we please get RSVP reminders/summaries in Season Management


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The help desk articles seem to indicate this functionality used to work, I assume with sports management. For example see here. However as a parent and admin I'm not seeing them for our season management teams and our coaches aren't seeing them either.

It's really valuable for coaches to get RSVPs for things, and really helpful for families to get automated reminders. Please add this functionality back in.

I realize there are workarounds with coaches sending notifications manually, but the coaches are busy people and it would be nice if the system would shoulder this workload.

It would also be nice if the system send the RSVP summary to coaches AND told them if someone flipped their RSVP to no in the period after the summary. League Athletics notified coaches about no RSVPs.

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Thank you @Kelsey Erwin. I have heard from multiple coaches that the below part, quoted from the help desk article I linked above, is definitely not happening.


Helpful Tip! All invited players will receive an automatic reminder email 48 hours before the game or event, while invited staff receives an automatic reminder email that includes a player RSVP summary 24 hours before the game or event.

As a parent I certainly never get a reminder. Our coaches have been pestering people non-stop to RSVP and it's been only partially successful. Automated reminders would definitely help. I also heard from one coach (who is also an HQ admin in our org) that the 'Send Reminder' button didn't always get emails where they needed to go.

Edited by freezinKT
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