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Roster edit - Photo


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Hi All,


As a admin to my team I'm having a problem adding a photo to my roster.  Every other field works except the select photo field.  I am using a Samsung S4.  Has anyone experienced this problem.




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Hi Loren,


I am trying to add a photo through the app.  Add a photo to the roaster.  I can add photos to the photo section but not the roaster.  I also can't add a title or description to a photo in the photo section.


I have been told from people in out league that some Android phones work and some don't.  I have no idea it would or wouldn't.  I'm not sure if it is the operating system or a setting on the phone. 




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I just checked in with Kristi in Support and it sounds like she is working with you on this issue. However, I wanted to provide some of her feedback her for others who might be experiencing similar issues:


There are a couple potential things.

First, you have to have edit permissions on the team page in order to upload roster photos through the mobile app. You don't necessarily have to have permissions to just add photos to the photos tab. 

Second, I believe that when uploading roster photos through the app, there isn't an option to take a new photo, only to choose an existing photo.  

I also found this bug that was just completed a few days ago, it might not even be deployed yet:

When uploading photos and videos on Android, you are given the option to fill in a title and description. It appears that when you upload either one, whatever you filled in for title disappears and only the description is displayed.

We should remove the title and only keep the description to make this less confusing to the user who may think of this as a bug.

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