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Spring into some recent mobile and desktop updates to the platform.

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We've been doing our Spring cleaning and found some mobile and desktop improvements to enhance your experience.

image.png.9c7ebfe26cd769018788661c5ca36b0c.pngMobile Updates: 

 Class Start & Drop Dates

  • We've added these to the account and member classes tab!! When available, you'll even be able to edit them on-the-go! image.png.a1e1255946529280886252dda7ab22c9.png 



Makeup Info Made Easy -

  • Your members can now see their makeup information, giving clarity to both parents and admins. 

  • image.png.bc86f541616734c83631b4c4352627f6.png

Easy Access to New Enrollments -

  • You can now click on member/account counts within your dashboard for quick access to newly created accounts, members, and enrollments.  

Last Active Filter -

  • We've added a handy filter within Member details, so you can easily see when a member was last active in a class. Stay informed and keep track of your members' progress! 




Makeup Count Visibility -

  • If a class allows for makeups and you have some available, you'll see your total number of makeups for that class. If the class doesn't allow makeups, no count will be displayed. Need more info? Check our Help Article. image.png.95c4f3ec9b8ce8c6a33a5b4dde2faf50.png 


image.png.4302a159436a7350c391a8633a198c83.png Desktop Updates: 

Class Inventory Page -

  • We've improved the experience to make for smoother transitions. Now, if you have more than 3 classes in a sub-program, you'll see a button to load them all. (Check out the image below for reference)    



Class Management Settings -

  • We heard you! You can now set the sub-program view to collapsed on the class inventory page. Just head over to class management > settings and toggle the option. It's set to expanded by default, but you can always collapse it if you prefer.  

Enjoy the new features and keep on moving!  





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