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Platform Updates: Increased payment flexibility for you and your members!

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Member Payment & Waitlist Flexibility  

If you have set your class registration to allow offline payments during enrollment, members can now see their offline charge for the registration in their account ledger. 


You will no longer see the “pay and approve” screen but will be taken directly to the billing summary, where you can create the payment right in the ledger. 

This added flexibility also means that if the member wants to pay the charge in their ledger by credit card, you or the member can easily do so. 


Additional updates: 


You can now edit multiple members billings status’ at the same time by changing the “Group Billing Status” 


ATTENTION: Important Platform Note: 


A recent fix has been completed regarding an issue with members auto-pay enrollment setting. 
*If you had new accounts created between 11/1/22 - 1/23/23 and use auto-pay- please audit the new accounts' Payment Setup to ensure auto-pay and on-demand is enabled on their account.* 



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