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πŸ“…πŸ‘€ Check out Your Bookings' Tool Enhanced Flexibility and Control

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  • Administrators

Welcome back admins! Here's the rundown of what's new and what has been updated to your Bookings feature!Β 

What’s New:

  • "Reviewed" Column is Here! πŸ“ Keep track of bookings with this new default reporting column. Filter bookings as reviewed or not and mark them quickly individually or all at once.

  • Navigate Through Time with β€œUpcoming” and β€œPast” Filters ⏳: Sorting your appointments is now a snap with these new filters. Organize your schedule by what’s coming up and what’s already happened.

    More Power to Parents and Participants πŸ‘ͺ: Now, there's an option for parents or participants to cancel or move appointments. Admins can turn this feature on or off, giving you control over offering this flexibility.


    • Future Appointment Freeze Windows ⏰: Define how far appointments can be made in advance. Once the time limit passes, that time slot becomes frozen and is unable to be selected.

      Secure Your Schedule with Appointment Locks πŸ”’: Lock appointments after a specified time to prevent changes. Parents won't be able to alter appointments during this lock period, but admins can adjust as needed.

      Flexibility for Future Changes πŸ”„: If an appointment is still in the future and not locked, parents can reschedule or cancel without impacting fees. This includes selecting a new time or canceling for one appointment or many in bulk.

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