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Prior Seasons are Gone


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I went to Competition -> Season Management to look at something. I expected to see two prior (currently inactive) seasons: 2023 Summer and 2023 Fall, the seasons we have since starting HQ. Only...they aren't there. It says I have no seasons. I see that the UX has changed somewhat - there are filters for upcoming and active and there is a search bar. But even with no search and no filters selected, I see nothing.

Anyone else lose old seasons? Or hear from the Help Desk what happened? We use this data regularly when planning our next season.

My prior season microsites still have data, so I'm hopeful this is just a display fluke?

Also when I went to report this I couldn't access the "Feedback" button, because I couldn't get into the season itself, which means no more direct line to the developers.

Edited by freezinKT
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yea was up about 2 am this morning and also noticed that, at least they should have an archive slot as well.  Luckily I had updated the ending for one of my old seasons to January 7 or that would have disappeared too.  I'll probably go in and extend it to February 1st incase I want to try somethings out, although the season was over last week.

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I have to image it's a fluke. We only have one season, and it's active, so I'm not really a good comparison, but it does look like there's a hook for grouping past seasons. Maybe it was a fix applied after you were in there?

And when I flip to that tab I get different filters: Manually Archived, Expired


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1 hour ago, Felzani, Matthew said:

I have to image it's a fluke. We only have one season, and it's active, so I'm not really a good comparison, but it does look like there's a hook for grouping past seasons. Maybe it was a fix applied after you were in there?

And when I flip to that tab I get different filters: Manually Archived, Expired


The Past Seasons tab appeared sometime after I reached out to the help desk and posted this comment. It was just "Seasons" and "Locations." Possible I had something cached and it was always there in the code (the joys of modern web development), or possible they released a patch after I brought it up.

I am glad they added the ability to manually archive a season. Even with the hiccup these are features teams will need.

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9 hours ago, Felzani, Matthew said:

I have to image it's a fluke. We only have one season, and it's active, so I'm not really a good comparison, but it does look like there's a hook for grouping past seasons. Maybe it was a fix applied after you were in there?

And when I flip to that tab I get different filters: Manually Archived, Expired


Yep looks like that was part of the fix/update, definitely makes it easier to manage seasons thanks for the update

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