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Rob Bedeaux

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Everything posted by Rob Bedeaux

  1. When creating a new registration, best practices are to use the Core Profile Data. When you use the profile data questions, that information is automatically synced over to each member's profile thereby keeping your member directory up to date. There are two groups of profile data that you can choose from. They are Min Fields and All Fields. SE Profile - Participant (Min Fields) First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth Gender SE Profile - Participant (All Fields) First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth Gender Phone Additional Phone Email Email Address 2 Address Address 2 City State / Province Zip / Postal Code Country Player Image We recommend that you use the All Fields version. You can choose whether to require a field or not once it is added to the form. How do I create a new registration? Can the SportsEngine Team build my registration?
  2. You can now easily add your program listings from SportsEngine.com to your own website (Sitebuilder or otherwise) by using our configuration tool https://findsports.sportsengine.com/generator/. To set up the widget, follow these steps. Go to https://findsports.sportsengine.com/generator/ In the embed wrapper id field, enter the name of your div. I generally use our-programs Set the embed width to 100% Choose a title. Since they are your organizations programs, something like Programs by {organization_name} If you are using Sitebuilder, check 'Use GTM Data Layer Search Parameters' Set the default location to your city and state Scroll down to Listing Type and choose 'Programs' Only check 'Program Filter' under 'Enabled Filters' Choose 'Pagination' under 'Enabled Display Features' Under Business Name, type in the name of your organization. Click generate. You should see a code block appear that starts with <script…> and ends with </script> Copy this code block and go to the page on you want to put it on on your Sitebuilder site–I think the right side of the home page is a great place. Make sure you are logged in and in 'Edit Mode' and click on the 'Options' tab. Choose 'Edit <head> Code' and paste the code from step 12 into that field. Last step, go to the container and column you'd like to place the widget and add a 'Code' element. In the code element, type <div id='our-programs'></div> (or whatever you called it in step #2 Save and click back into user mode. You now will have a dynamic list of all the programs you create on your website What is a program listing and how do I set one up? Why would I want to include them on my website?
  3. Are you a new admin using the SportsEngine HQ platform? Take a trip over to our SportsEngine HQ Training Camp where our coaches break down SportsEngine's core functionality and share best practices, tips & tricks, and shortcuts.
  4. Hello nhjms, Thanks for the question and great timing on it! We have just released a bunch of new functionality around managing your sports season. One of those new features is conflict checking for venues (along with a long list of other features!). If you are already using the SportsEngine HQ platform, I encourage you to reach out to your account manager if you are interested in test driving our new season management tools. Otherwise, look for an upcoming release later this year. thanks, -rob
  5. Hi LHBRB, The term used in SportsEngine HQ is "inventory." You can set a max inventory on a store item which, when reached, will not allow for more folks to sign up. Here is a quick help article that covers how to adjust inventory on store items. We also have a longer and more in depth article that covers all aspects of setting up a new registration (including late fees and early bird registrations) that can be found here. thanks and good luck this season!
  6. Awesome! Glad we got you hooked up. -r
  7. OK. Got it. You can use this CSS code snippet. <style> .site-body { color: red; } </style> You can use a specific color name or you can enter a hex code. If you want it to apply across the entire site, you need to enter it on the top-level page of each top-level navigation in your menu in the section called "Cascading <HEAD> Code:" It will then cascade down to each page below that in the tree.
  8. Hi Jeff and Coach Mike, Question for you. Which specific elements are you trying to color? While there isn't a way to do them en masse via a setting, CSS is always available. If you've got some specific elements, I can give you a hand with what the CSS should look like. thanks -rob
  9. Have you ever wondered how see who has administrator or team access in SportsEngine HQ? You could go into Permissions & Newsletters and create a new quick report where you show the various administrator rights like this (don't forget to use ANY and not ALL). However, there is a quicker way. Simply add /admins?sort=permission_type:asc to the end of the URL for your HQ instance. Replace the XXX with your OrgID https://app.sportngin.com/org/XXX/admins?sort=permission_type:asc
  10. Hey Bruce, Strange on the home page. I deleted the code element and re-added it in and it seems to be working a-ok...sometimes you just have to "jiggle the handle. " : )
  11. Hey Bruce, Try adding the additional zip parameter I added up above. Thanks!
  12. Hey Bruce, Ah!! I see what it was. Your programs had a different location that your org. I updated the script at the top to included the variable distance: "max" I created a sample on your assets page and it's working as expected. You can see it here. https://www.ihactivities.ca/assets Sorry about that. -rob
  13. Hey Mark, I looked at your site https://www.cgylax.org and i don't see any programs you've created. Go into HQ and create your programs and then they will appear in the widget. -rob
  14. Programs created in SportsEngine HQ can now be automatically added and updated on your website! In addition to your programs showing up on SportsEngine.com this new widget allows you to place them in multiple places on your own website as well. You never have to worry about where you put them or manually update each location. Instead, all updates made in HQ are immediately reflected on your website. As an added bonus, the code is completely portable and can be put on ANY website that you can add a code snippet. How to add to your siteThe widget consists of two simple parts--a config for the head code and a div in the code element. Copy this code block into the pages head code and replace the XXX with your organizationID and where YYYYY is input your organizations zip code. <script type="text/javascript" src="https://findsports.sportsengine.com/embed/se-widget.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> embedSeWidget({ id: "my-programs", width: "380px", height: "820px", params: { listing_type: "program", initialZipCode: “YYYYY”, distance: "max", org_ids: [XXX] } }); </script> Add a new 'code' page element and paste in this information into the element <div id=”my-programs”></div> Exit edit mode and you should see a block that looks like this.
  15. Hi Isaac, This is a simple update. You are on the Epic theme and it uses a DivID to define that. In the cascading header code (for each page on your top nav), add this code into your code before the </style> Here is the code: div#siteHeader { margin-top: 0px } This sets it to zero, but you can adjust the space if you want a little bit just change the 0px
  16. Occasionally, you'll want to open a page and show a tab on the tab element that isn't necessarily the first tab. There isn't a built in way to set the tab when a page loads, but with a little Javascript magic, you can accomplish this. It isn't pretty, but here you go!! Take the code block below and insert it onto the page (I like sticking it on a tab in the tab element so it doesn't get 'lost.' You can now use a query string in the URL to target a specific tab. For example, if I have a tab with three tabs called Red, Blue, and Yellow and I want to target the tab yellow I would input in the URL something like this http://www.mysite.com/mypage/?tab=Yellow. A couple of notes—if you have multiple tabs with the same name, it will set them all to the same tab. Set the Code Element title so you remember what this does! <script> function getParameterByName(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]"); var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^]*)"), results = regex.exec(location.search); return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } $j(window).load(function() { var selectedTab = getParameterByName("tab"); if (selectedTab !== "") { $j("ul.layoutContainerTabs span a:contains(" + selectedTab + ")").click(); } }) </script> A couple notes for anyone following along or using the script listed above: Be sure to clear the cache (both from your browser and the Sport Ngin page you just added this code to), otherwise it'll look like it doesn't work.The query string is case-sensitive. In this case, linking to http://www.mysite.com/mypage/?tab=Yellow will work just fine while http://www.mysite.com/mypage/?tab=yellow will bonk. That is, unless you actually named your tab "yellow" (in lowercase).
  17. Hey Greg, So you can't quite do what you're asking but there are other ways to skin a cat! So what I would do is make the entire page private and then create a general page called Varsity which you'll make public. You can then use the sports widgets and place whatever content you want on the public page--you can use game widgets, roster widgets, article or whatever. Using the tab element you can even mimic fairly close the layout of the team page. -rob
  18. Ah! Good to know. You learn something every day ?
  19. Not knowing how your page is set up, I can’t be sure. However, i’m betting it’s set up as a personal page and not a business. Facebook’s T&C do not allow personal pages to be inserted into a third party site.
  20. Looking to make the background container of your site semi-transparent? With a little CSS you can do that. Try out this bit in the head code of your site. To adjust the color the first three numbers are the RGB base color, in this case white and the last number is the opacity in decimal percentages, in this case 90% opaque. Since you are using custom code and overriding site styles, use at your own risk and your mileage may vary! For Itasca <style> #siteContainer { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.9); } </style> For Nokomis <style> #yieldContent.row { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.9); } </style>
  21. Here is a screenshot of where you make the team page private. Also, here is a help article with some other possible solutions that might be beneficial. http://help.sportngin.com/customer/portal/articles/619673
  22. Hi there, Currently, you can make the entire team page private which makes the rosters and stats private. Right now, there isn't a specific setting for stats or schedule. Shoot me a link to your site and maybe I can make some other suggestions. -rob
  23. The code element is the most flexible element in your Sitebuilder toolbox and should always be handled with care. It has great power! With the code element, you can do things like embed and iFrame, add custom CSS to an element, embed additional Javascript, and even write a small app! This forum is to provide any tips or neat code snippets you've created over the years. Remember, handle with care!!
  24. Hi Folks, Just wanted to let you all know about a great new feature available for your teams. We have added the ability to create private roster pages, but still leave your team, stats, and standings page public. This allows you to easily protect the privacy of your youth athletes. To adjust the privacy settings, go to the Tool Settings and under Rosters/Photo/Videos, there is now a drop down called 'Status'. There are three options Inherited—this is the default which means that the privacy settings are taken from the team page Private—this is the new settings which will only show that tab to players roster on team, parents and linked accounts. Disabled—hide the tab entirelyAny questions or comments? Just reply to this thread! thanks, -rob
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