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Creating Private Roster Pages

Rob Bedeaux

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Hi Folks,


Just wanted to let you all know about a great new feature available for your teams. We have added the ability to create private roster pages, but still leave your team, stats, and standings page public. This allows you to easily protect the privacy of your youth athletes. To adjust the privacy settings, go to the Tool Settings and under Rosters/Photo/Videos, there is now a drop down called 'Status'. There are three options

  1. Inherited—this is the default which means that the privacy settings are taken from the team page 
  2. Private—this is the new settings which will only show that tab to players roster on team, parents and linked accounts. 
  3. Disabled—hide the tab entirely
Any questions or comments? Just reply to this thread! 





Rob Bedeaux (he/him/his)
Director, Partnerships & Symphony Marketing
E rob.bedeaux@nbcuni.com


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  • 1 year later...

Hi there,


Currently, you can make the entire team page private which makes the rosters and stats private. Right now, there isn't a specific setting for stats or schedule. Shoot me a link to your site and maybe I can make some other suggestions.



Rob Bedeaux (he/him/his)
Director, Partnerships & Symphony Marketing
E rob.bedeaux@nbcuni.com


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Here is a screenshot of where you make the team page private. Also, here is a help article with some other possible solutions that might be beneficial. http://help.sportngin.com/customer/portal/articles/619673



Private Page.png 


Rob Bedeaux (he/him/his)
Director, Partnerships & Symphony Marketing
E rob.bedeaux@nbcuni.com


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  • 2 years later...

Hey Greg,


So you can't quite do what you're asking but there are other ways to skin a cat! So what I would do is make the entire page private and then create a general page called Varsity which you'll make public. You can then use the sports widgets and place whatever content you want on the public page--you can use game widgets, roster widgets, article or whatever. Using the tab element you can even mimic fairly close the layout of the team page.



Rob Bedeaux (he/him/his)
Director, Partnerships & Symphony Marketing
E rob.bedeaux@nbcuni.com


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  • 8 months later...

We would like our roster pages to be visible to anyone in our organization, ie. players/parents on other team rosters, but private to anyone outside the program.


It seems like the only options are to have it viewable to everyone, even those without an account, or make it viewable by only those on that specific roster.  


Is there something in between that I am missing?

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  • 3 months later...


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