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Rob Bedeaux

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Posts posted by Rob Bedeaux

  1. Have you ever wondered how to use the Custom CSS Class field found in every Sitebuilder page element? Here is a quick example of how to use that field to apply a custom table header color to the table page element. 

    The Custom CSS Class field can be used in conjunction with a code element containing a <style> section. For example, in the attached screenshot, I have created the style name header-color-tbl . Next, add the following code element

    .header-color-tbl {
    background-color: #000;

    In this example, the table element with the style name header-color-tbl will have a black (#000) header background color. Once you define the class name, in your style emblock, you can apply it to any code element. 

    NOTE: Each page element supports slightly different attributes. So, it is generally best practice to create a unique class name for each page element type.




    Example Table with Custom CSS.png

  2. Hey James,

    Dibs allows for per-game assignments–we used it when I was on my local lacrosse club board. Here is the basic setup.

    1. Create a dibs session https://help.sportsengine.com/en/articles/6323249-how-to-create-a-dibs-session The dibs session is a collection of volunteer opportunities. We set them up per season by gender. So, I would set up a session called 2022 Boys Lacrosse. You could also do it for the whole club or by team; it really depends on how you want to do tracking.
    2. Once the session is set up, I created volunteer categories. The categories allow parents to filter more easily through volunteer opportunities. I created things like (board/association positions, one-time events, picnics, and games (which were broken down by team e.g. 10U Black).
    3. Once the categories are set up, you can create your dibs items for each game--don't worry, you can use a template and import them in bulk.
    4. For games, I've attached a sample CSV for four scorekeeper records that I imported in the attached screenshot. 

    Please note there are a bunch of additional parameters you can set up and various ways to track fulfillment, but this gives you the basics. You can find full documentation for Dbis at https://help.sportsengine.com/en/collections/3504187-volunteer-management and a video walk-through at https://www.sportsengine.com/training-camp/hq/dibs



    Sample Dibs Games Responsibility.png


  3. It's only mentioned briefly in the help documentation here. 

    That said, it's pretty simple to use. Simply add the page element to your site (3 column container works best). You'll need to generate an API key from MailChimp, but the page element has a direct link embedded into it. Once you've added the page element, you'll see a subscribe box through which you can collect email addresses for your newsletter. 

    MailChimp also has a variety of subscribe code blocks which you could use in the page element if you prefer.

    If you want to import your contacts from an HQ export file, you can follow the instructions from MailChimp here 



    MailChimp Subscribe Form.png

  4. Hi there,

    If you have specific problems with a youth sport's organizations registration process, you should contact them directly. They will be able to direct you through the registration process.



  5. Hi Charlene,

    A couple of good resources to start with can be found in our Training Camp series. These give the basics of most parts of the SportsEngine HQ platform. Additionally, you can always access our WalkMe walkthrough tool on the right side of your SportsEngine HQ site. I've attached screenshots for you. Additionally, you can start a support chat from this area.

    SE HQ Walkme Open.png

    SE HQ Walkme Closed.png

  6. Hi @brig

    What @Marie Fitzgeraldshared is accurate. When you set up a registration, you can define if one (or many) people are sent notifications after each person completes a registration. I've attached a more detailed screenshot of where this is set up in the registration itself and what the notification the admin receives looks like. 

    There are also advanced notifications that can be set up. These are logic-based and can send out different messages based on registration data. They are called auto-notifications






    Email Response to Admin.png

    Registration Set-Up Screen.png

  7. The SportsEngine HQ member directory has very powerful filtering tools. You can use these tools to create groups of members to which you can send email messages. One great example is sending an email to families who played with your organization last season but haven't yet signed up this year. 

    1. Go into the members section of your SportsEngine HQ account.
    2. Select the blue filter button to show the filtering options.
    3. Choose registration. To the left, you should now see a list of registration sessions. 
    4. Select this season's sign-up. 
    5. Now you should see a list of fields that are part of the registration (including metadata).
    6. The one we want to use is the Entry Status Is Active.
    7. Next click on the plus to add a second criteria to your filter
    8. Choose registration again, and select the previous years registration session. 
    9. Again select Entry Status and choose Is Active

    You should now get a list of families who registered the previous year but haven't signed up for this year. You can now select the Message button in the upper right corner and compose an email urging them to sign up before the season closes. 

    There are lots of other uses for member filters. How have you used them to connect with your members?


    Hasn't Registered This Year.png

  8. Hey @Schmidt127,

    For your first question, I don't know of a good way to target specific columns in the standings table. However, for the second question regarding Game IDs, you decide when you create a new sub season if you want to include Game IDs, Game Type and Group Name. Once those are added to that season, they can't be hidden. However, when you create your next season, just make sure you select none for Game ID and don't check off Game Type or Group name and the columns won't show up.

    GameID and Group Name.png

  9. The table page element in Sitebuilder is dead simple to use. however, lurking beneath the surface are tons of hidden flexibility. What do you mean by this, you ask?

    Well one of its hidden features is that you can include HTML into the cells to affect the data that is presented. Attached is an example of a table that includes the following modifications in the cells. In addition to the screenshot is a CSV file that you can upload right into the table element and see all of the changes below.

    1. Images
      • You can insert an image from the web into a cell by using the following code:
        <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Indiana_Hoosiers_logo.svg">
      • Want to limit the size of the image? Simply add on a height or width like this:
         width="50px" height="50px"
        That results in the following line
        <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Indiana_Hoosiers_logo.svg" width="50px">
    2. Hyperlinks
      • You can hyperlink text or the image example above. You just need to use:
        <a href="https://www.myurl.com">Your linked text here</a>
      • Need it to also open in a new window? Add this:
        The completed line looks like this
        <a href="https://www.myurl.com" targe="_blank">Your linked text here</a>
    3. Text formatting
      • You can add basic text formatting like bold or italics by wrapping the text in the appropriate commands like this:
        <strong>make this bold</strong>
        <em>makes this italics</em>
        <u>underline this text</u>
        <sup>superscript this</sup>
        <sub>subscript this</sub>
    4. Column alignment (bonus via CSS)
      • You can also adjust the column alignment in the head code of your page. Depending on your site theme, it may default to center justified or left justified (my theme below is center by default). To change this add the following bit of code to the head of the page:

        <style>.dataTable tr td:nth-child(2) {
            text-align: left;

        .dataTable tr td:nth-child(3) {
            text-align: left;


        This tells the browser to left justify columns two and three in my example below.

    With some basic HTML skills you can take your tables to the next level. 

    Power Table.png

    Big 10 Schools.csv

  10. Hey @PVDGFFL,

    The answer is 'sort of.' Don't forget, all team members have access to Team Center and in Team Center, you can click on the details of a single event. in that event, the RSVP will automatically pop up if they haven't responded. So in theory you could include a link anywhere like https://teams.sportngin.com/teams/11e8a00c-0287-7074-854e-0e2f5264c60a/schedule/games/e034c8e7-8297-423b-bc74-13ae2810bd44 (that's one of my teams). Anyone who is a guardian or on the team should be able to RSVP to those events. 

    We've used this same option on our website to create links out to the Team Center instances. You can see them here under the Boys drop down (you won't be able to access them as you aren't on the team though).

    Let me know if that helps,


  11. Adding the ability to buy a physical item like spirit wear or shooter shirts in registration is simple. You create the question, add answers by size and attach the sale items to each answer.

    You can even control the total inventory by using the Limit quantity to sell option to make sure you don't sell more items than you have on hand. 

    However, have you ever wanted to allow a family to buy more than 1 of any item? By using the Quantity to Sell by Answer option in combination with numeric answers, you can allow families to buy multiples of any single item.

    How to Set Up

    1. Create a question for each size of each item you'd like to sell. In my example, I created three questions for shooter shirts (S, M, and L).
    2. Set the answer type to be a Pull Down.
    3. Create answers for each multiple you'd like families to be able to purchase; I chose from 1 – 5.
    4. After your question is created, you can now attach the sale item. My sale item is a $20.00 shooter shirt. 
    5. Make sure you input the total number you have available per size. In my example, I have 20 shirts of each size.
    6. For each of answer, set the Quantity to Sell to match the value in the drop down. When a registrant selects that item, that number is automatically added to their order and the cost is multiplied. 
    7. Repeat this process for each answer and each size until you've built out your store.

    While it isn't a full Shopify store, it's a simple way to integrate swag or other items that you might want to allow families to buy multiples of. 

    Do you have any other examples of items that would make sense to use the Quantity to Sell by Answer?

    Sale Items with Inventory.png

    Sale Item Setup.png

  12. Good morning Juan,

    I'm guessing this is for Souther California Volleyball Region and you are looking for girls that have currently paid for their membership at your local club? You didn't mention your club, so I can't provide a direct link, but if you navigate to your SportsEngine HQ instance and click on the Members -> Directory tab, you will see all of the people affiliated to your club. Click on the Filter button to open the filtering function. To the right of Filter by there is a down arrow. Select Memberships. This will provide a new filtering button to the right with a variety of membership related options. Choose Membership Status. It will default to is Paid and then update the list of members below who are currently up to date on their memberships. 

    Don't forget you can always use the Need Help icon on the right side of the screen for walk throughs of various features. Or you can visit our help center at https://help.sportsengine.com



    Membership Filtering.png

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