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HPBAadmin last won the day on February 27

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  1. Sports Engine, the new Team Pages is a poor attempt at making Season Management work through a league or organization's website. We have just over 80 teams we have to manage and communicate to. Our website, through League Athletics, allowed us to do this seamlessly when creating a new season. Now, I have to fumble through creating a season without games mysteriously disappearing only to then have to create 80 webpages to embed an iframe in. I hope we can get some updates and plan of intent around how these things are being improved in the near future.
  2. Please provide an update or any clarity on how microsites will evolve. They are very limiting as they stand today. I would love to be able to default to a specific division rather than loading an entire season or a team.
  3. I couldn't finish the survey because it was asking questions about things I do not care about. If the SEHQ team is going to work on something, I wish it were on the things the community actually needs and cares about. I have no desire to see HQ integrated with other software platforms until the basics, which are detailed across this community forum, are addressed.
  4. I have used the "Feedback" button many times in hopes that it may get me closer to resolution on the issues we have experienced. Unfortunately, I have not heard or seen anything from clicking it.
  5. SportsEngine Team, is there a roadmap of features you can publish for the community? We are coming for League Athletics and finding many areas in managing our leagues that SportsEngine doesn't support today. It would be good to have visibility into whether those things are planned for release or not. A few examples: Automated Registration Waitlist More granular user and coach permissions Easier coach scoring and stat updates Team Roster display on website/microsite Universal Master Schedule for a league
  6. It is not ideal that the team "admin" security role provides the ability to score games and input stats but it also allows the Admin to create and update games/events. As a league, we set all our games ahead of the season and don't allow our coaches to update game opponents, locations, etc. Unfortunately, we had an over eager coach who decided he would go in and make some updates to game details without the leagues knowledge. We didn't know until gameday and many families were operating off of this coaches information and not the league assigned date/time/opponent. It would seem to me it would make most sense to have a team "coach" role and a team "admin" role. A coach should be able to message his/her team, score games, and input stats. A team "admin" would have elevated rights to be able to do those things a coach can do but also be able to update games/events, etc.
  7. I hope someone can answer this question with a straight answer because I have asked it before and everything seems to lead back to having to make coaches Admins in HQ to allow them to score games OR have them send scores into one Admin to input. NOT ideal as I have close to 100 coaches that I cannot make admins in HQ.
  8. It would be extremely nice if registrations were enhanced to support the concept of automatically transitioning "sold out" inventory items into a wait list. Today, when inventory items are sold out, there is no good way to capture a wait list for those registrations. League Athletics provided an automated transition that would allow users to go onto a wait list when registration limits were met. Are there any plans to accommodate such a feature in SportsEngine HQ?
  9. I would also like to take a look if possible.
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