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Posts posted by Schmidt127

  1. Hello,

    I was wondering if someone could assist me with connecting QBO with Sports Engine

    I have been in HQ and in the API connections location and logged into Sports Engine as instructed but nothing is showing up.

    Thank you


  2. I am not a CSS person at all.  I just have learned enough to kind of use the Inspect Tool and then work on my site.

    I used this to remove the ID column from a table.  Seemed to work fine.  

    #tab_gamelist_content th:first-child, #tab_gamelist_content td:first-child {


    But I can't figure out how to remove a specific column because I don't know how to handle getting rid of the heading and the all of the data for the column. 

    Again, I am not a CSS or programmer, just an A.D. who used your site.

    Also, I put together a bunch of code snippets together in a document if anyone needs hints on identifying what the css is and what the css does on the Itasca websites.


    • Thanks 1
  3. This would be one page where I would like to remove visibility of the following columns on a STANDINGS CHART.


    Column 4:  (T), Ties (We don't end games in basketball in ties

    Column 6: (GB) Games Behind, (We don't use this)


    This would be an example where I would like to remove the GAME ID (Column 1) from visibility.  it is unnecessary for me and for the user.


    Column 1, Game ID

  4. Hello,

    I am new to the forum but have been working on the CSS for my website.  I was wondering if anyone is an expert in CSS and with the sportsengine platform that could help me with a question or two.

    I use my website for basketball predominantly and don't need in STANDINGS TABLES the TIE and GAMES BEHIND columns.  I was wondering if anyone could help.  I saw this ability on another post but it did not work on my website (maybe because I had a different theme).  Any help with CSS and the website would be appreciated.


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